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Antifa Face off with Confederates at UNC Chapel Hill

“1! 2! 3! Fuck the confederacy! 4! 5! 6! Fuck the confederacy!” antifa shouted at pro-confederate activitsts at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill today. The activists came to campus to support “Silent Sam,” a confederate statue that had been torn down earlier this year.

Silent Sam supporters gathered at the university’s McCorkle Place at noon, where antifa groups confronted them and attempted to block cameras with signs, banners, and music in an effort to “deplatform” their protest.

“This has been happening all year. We’ve been getting violent neo-confederate and neo-nazi groups,” said graduate student Lindsay Ayling. “A lot of the same people that were at Unite the Right in Charlottesville come to our campus because love this racist statue.”

While the event remained peaceful on both sides, antifa’s actions put confederate activist James Stachowiak on edge. “You ever try to attack me, I’ll put you in your grave,” he said on his way out of UNC. “Attack me, you’ll get a bullet in your head. I’m not threatening. I’m telling you what the consequences of an attack would be.”

“I am a proud American confederate Patriot,” Stachowiak told News2Share after the event. “And I know what’s coming. It’s a civil war coming by these people and they keep pushing buttons… when they make their final and stupid move, it’ll be the last stupid move they ever make.”

Filmed by Ford Fischer

Please contact Ford Fischer at or call (573) 575-NEWS to license video. Photos and additional footage may be available upon request.

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