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UNC Men's Basketball: Tar Heels Upset by Wofford in Carmichael Arena


Scott Worley says:

What th world? We were up by 5 then next time I saw the score we had the same score but the smaller wofford was up 8. How's is this happening?

RockSmith1988 says:

Wouldn't even call this an upset we suck

Cory Cav2 says:

Them Duke boys will show yall how to beat them in a few days

Greg Maddux says:

Pathetic team and coaching. Wofford sucks. All u hav to do to beat a team like that by 20 at a minimum is guard the perimeter and Roy doesn’t draw up a game plan to do it.

Lindsay Rollins says:

I love the tarheels but they suck so bad

Owen Wilbricht says:

This is pathetic

Hop Along Johnny says:

Injuries are killing this team, no one can get comfortable, can’t make baskets for 💩. This will be the worst UNC team in history!!

Averagestoner says:

That’s a shame man. In the auditorium where so many greats have played. I will forever be Carolina until I drop but I’m embarrassed by this team. I pray they can get it together

SwishDish720 says:

NIT team bound for sure … no defense, no ball movement, people can't shoot worth a lick either … the Zags are going to tear apart this team like a pistachio in a shell

Hdog fishing says:

This year has been the worst year in a long time for the heels 😥😥😡😡

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