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2011 11 11 CARRIER Basketball Classic Michigan State@North Carolina


It's Probably the feds, but says:

They gave it up too quick a few adjustments could have helped with damp courts the next year

Jonah Veit says:

Who is from tiktok

thomas piripavel says:

imagine if this was a 2k court you could play on

Texsion says:

Imagine your in the middle of your shot and the ship just rocks to the left hard

GrubWarp says:

Coolest thing ever

supaordie says:

Hold up, hold up. Who the hell would downvote this video?? C'mon man, 8 sissies that probably live in a hole and hate our country. Get off our soil if you don't like it, smh.

Trump isn't that Bad says:

Bin Laden was "reportedly" buried at sea on this ship? Not "reportedly" it's a fact. I was there.

Mr 888 says:

It would've been so cool to just even shoot hoops at half time on that Carrier. Especially you have Obama there too 😮

Owen Lefkowicz says:

Coming from 2019, this will be the most unique place to play a game

Prad Vatula says:

can't believe skyrim was released on the same day as this game.

Saucyy FaoN says:

Imagine it started raining on the carrier. Where they gone go?

zt1053 says:

Notice they moved the camera away from the Obamas when Michele did not have her hand on heart. She did so not want to be at this game.

Casey Winkler says:

that North Carolina team was legendary that year miss all of y'all even after 7 years

Kyle says:

Lol sports isn't political

Victor Jenkins says:

My son was on this Ship and at this game… I’m proud of him…

JC 3 says:

Lol imagine if they played an NBA game on an aircraft carrier… That would never happen though

NovaScotiaNewfie says:

ESPN should have aired the national Anthem being played to see all the service members saluting!

NovaScotiaNewfie says:

State's sneakers were dope!

jason marshall says:

I went to this game when I was in the Navy! Got great pictures with James Worthy and Magic Johnson.

Air Vigs says:

What's better than Draymond Green Vs. Harrison Barnes outside on an air craft carrier?

Glitz Comet says:

Who would've known that Green And Barnes would get to be in a championship NBA team together

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