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#17 Texas Beats #14 North Carolina to Win Maui Invitational! UT Basketball On the Rise!


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#Texas #ShakaSmart #MattColeman

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Fanatic Perspective says:

Texas Hoops is Ballin' right now! Be sure to let me know how you feel about the start of the season & what you're looking forward to seeing throughout!

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Frank Nitti says:

One thing I love about the team is nobody plays scared

Frank Nitti says:

Great win….gotta give it to them. I'm still not sure how I feel as Shaka as a coach though.

Ruben Loza says:

I feel a different energy with this team. They be doing some hooper hooper shit. Draining the 3s, throwing down on folks, and strong D.

Terry Freeman says:

Shaka's crew looking athletic and good!

Harish Nookala says:

I’m just hoping this isn’t another false hope nom conference, where they kill it in non conference then struggle all conference season

Kenneth Frank says:

Once Greg Brown skills advance he's going to be a Problem

frostisbestinworld says:

I think I like basketball more than football. 2020 sucks I would be less than an hour from Asheville and still couldn’t watch them play /:

Ernie Estrada says:


corey white says:

This is the Texas basketball I was hoping to see when Shaka Smart got to Texas.

Bill Russo says:

In basketball I root for UCONN since I lived in the NE area . But I'll also root for Texas because of the football team being my favorite but I don't understand why we're better at basketball than football right now

Daniel Sabedra says:

Horns always up

js59695 says:

If you haven’t seen the effort like that then you haven’t been watching. They’ve had the effort just made absolutely bone headed decisions and Shaka’s coaching job has been less than stellar. I’ve been waiting for him to do what he did at VCU. He could have the last few years but he didn’t. You can’t tell me that 4 and 5 star players couldn’t do what vcu did. It’s about damn time!

I liked what you said about depth as well. Hamm is the man off the bench though! Cunningham is a straight hustler as well. They needed to recruit a legit pg to back up Coleman. One that doesn’t seek a shot but gets straight dimes. Not referring to making the right pass I’m talking about someone seeing stuff everyone else doesn’t. Annndddd then they need to recruit someone that shoots the three. Like Legit shoots consistently.

But at the end of the day. Damn. They look very good. If they can keep up the shooting it could be a great year. Texas’ bench still has Kamaka, Hamm, Liddell, and Ramey, and williams off the bench. That’s a deep bench.

Louie Felipe Murphy says:

Always remember that everybody was calling for Shaka smart's head throughout the last two seasons.

Of course there's no telling how this season will play out, but it would be nice to see folks on the message boards give credit where credit is due, to balance out the times when they are hypercritical of a coach who's trying to develop this program.


Louie Felipe Murphy says:

shaka smart with hair is 3-0 this season

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