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Duke vs North Carolina Highlights | College Basketball Highlights 2021

Duke vs North Carolina Highlights (Duke vs North Carolina) – March 6, 2021

Reblogged 3 years ago from


ffhd1clt says:

142 wins vs dook. Go Heels!

Brad Lewis says:

I've been a die-hard Duke fan since 1981-82 and I can't ever remember a more uninspired and lack of effort performance! That was a complete embarrassment not only to the name on the jersey but to all the men who've preceded this bunch from the past! When you show nary an ounce of effort or passion against your most heated rival it's by itself a disgrace, but mostly a disgrace to the rivalry! Carolina-Duke is all about intensity and bringing it on every possession! This was an utter joke!

jerry caughron says:

What is a Tar Heel?????

Chize 206 says:

Gonna be a very weird year for college basketball not having Duke in the tournament

Preachers Son says:

Stop šŸ›‘ televising us šŸ¤¦šŸ¾

Preachers Son says:

Iā€™m done Duke this is absolutely Embarrassing

Cynical Peach says:

Here lies Duke's tournament hopes and dreams.

Wayne Gilyard says:

The ceiling is the roof.go.tarheels.

Austin Richardson says:

anyone else get chills for Manley?! what a perfect ending to this game

Wayne Gilyard says:

The ceiling is the roof.gio.taerheels.

Captsaison says:

Sadly, North Carolina has so much MORE physical talent than the Dukies have this year. Today had to be hard for Coach K. to witness. Dukies only a shadow of their normal selves…..Dukies need TWO big strong athletic players to come in next season and contribute immediately. This season proves that we cannot expect Dukies to just automatically reload every year and magically be a top ten team!

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