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Officiating in UNC vs Florida State | 3/12/2021

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John Cramer says:


Duane Phillips says:

Those refs should never be allowed to work another game

Kayla Kruger says:

Im not one to want to go right to the refs. I understand being a Bills/Sabres fan i've seen some missed/bad calls. I've always watched the bills play brady for 20 years and look pathetic 99.9% of those games. Lots of times wanting to blame the refs. This was bad because all of the calls missed, minus the carry, were damn near impossible to get all wrong. But its not like basketball refs have ever got in trouble for betting on games

LaShaun McCall says:

They robbed us

Elijah Tucker says:

That goaltending foul costed us the game and the walk with 3 sec left but I don’t think the refs past preschool that was terrible
Ps #goheels sub to tar heel tapes

Jameson Polking says:

As an Nd fan come on refs

timjthru says:

This is a trend where the refs clearly favor the higher seeded team, it happens all the time and needs to stop. Everyone watching can see it and even pro-Duke Jay Bilas is pointing it out, pathetic. But we can't let the refs take us out of our game. When they suck just focus on playing, making our shots and free throws and playing smart. The refs can't make us miss shots.

Chris Carlton says:

Thank you for posting this! It was pretty clear to see the missed calls.

Terry Ashby says:

Clearly when your tea loses, this allows everyone to discount any claims of poor calls by the refs. But in this case there were at least 5 really questionable calls in the second half all against Carolina. I thought the ACC Tournament would have the better Refs but apparently not.

Scott J says:

So players are allowed to tap dance without dribbling now? Cool.

Desert Hobo says:

Florida State fan here, UNC got screwed several times. There were bad calls against FSU too but definitely more against UNC. With that said, oh well. That’s basketball. FSU has lost games this season because of bad calls. It is what it is. UNC fans complaining about calls going against them for once is like Bama fans complaining that the other team doesn’t get called for holding enough.

Ray Falkoff says:

Call a damn timeout and get your young guards to settle down. Multiple empty possessions down the stretch
With guards over penetrating and getting shots blocked.
If you are going to keep getting down double digits in the Big Dance keep your bags packed

Robert Sutton says:

My God. What is going on. No wonder we lost. Can't beat them and the refs. What in the hell.

Maurice Crosby says:

After going back to look at this Carolina got cheated in this game..Refs needs to be punished and award the win to UNC.

Garrett Thompson says:

Die hard Carolina fan here. Yeah refs sucked. We also shot 58% from the line. We lost by 3. That isn’t the refs in the least bit. I love the two big man system, but with that being said, the big guys have to hit their free throws or those close games in March are going to be just like the FSU game last night.

Tyler Pifer says:

These are bad calls, but just a LITTLE biased. Officiating was bad on both sides.

Cody Peele says:

You should send this to the ACC Office

Kim Tieka says:

Typical UNC Puke with the missed calls excuse.

James Schuh says:

Man! They need to get rid of these refs 😒 either that let them go back to ref at High school level 😆 🤣 😂

Levi Lanier says:

The refs sucked

tyler hicks says:

these refs were just awful

Brett Weeks says:

Yeah hopefully Fsu and will have an different crew for the championship game .Every bad call the refs made Jay Bilas played the replay on national TV to show how wrong they were lol Classic

Ethan Jenkins says:

Missed free throws and officiating killed us

Kenneth Tilton says:

There were several plays where they mentioned the refs were looking at each other wondering if they should blow the whistle. A lot more than 3 points possible in the bogus calls, but that one's over. Starting Sunday, let's DANCE!

Randy Farrar says:

Roy doesn’t mention anything about these in the Presser

CAblacksheep013 says:

It costed us the game… I was proud of the way tarheels played… Pathetic

Douglas Flowers says:

Roy has got to start fighting for his team

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