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UNDISPUTED | Shannon reacts to North Carolina hires former Tar Heel Hubert Davis as new head coach

UNDISPUTED | Shannon reacts to North Carolina hires former Tar Heel Hubert Davis as new head coach

Reblogged 3 years ago from


Malcom Jones says:

What’s wrong with him having a white wife? The key is do they love each other. White and black people get divorced everyday . The color of your skin doesn’t make a marriage. Racism is rampant worldwide. That’s your choice who you marry. No matter what color you wife is just love each other. Your going to have people who don’t believe in mixed marriages. That’s their preference. Just keep loving each other.

Malcom Jones says:

Roy Williams was fav coach for UNC

Malcom Jones says:

Can he coach? If he can’t coach, he won’t be their long..

Kilp Young says:

That's how he got the job…

Jabari McBride says:

Hes a good man and he's gonna be a good HC for my North Carolina Tarheels

Todd Williams says:

Fuck that talk abt his wife comment?

Kevin Butler says:

I rather he bring it up about his wife and kids than a reporter or a racist blogger. Laugh it up now…you think he said that on accident? Yall must not know HB pedigree and intelligence. Yall poke fun because it wasnt your top pick!! When they put another banner up in a few years, I want you all to bring this very topic up and see how funny it is then.

Zacka Josh says:

I’m proud of my white wife .
Seriously. So it is an accomplishment when you have a white wife now. Wowwwww

G Blair says:

Has his wife ever said im proud that my husband is black?

Drape Tomania says:

Kenny Smith was best coach for the job. Black mothers will never forget the im proud my wife is white comment.

Drape Tomania says:

Lets see how that im proud my wife is white comment plays wt the black mothers during recruiting.


Hebrews 12:14
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

The missing piece says:

Hubert Davis is trash he didn’t even come to his grandmother funeral

Cornelius Timmons says:

Shannon we can't hear u. Now. Do u have something to say. About that comment. Girlfriend

Cornelius Timmons says:

Black coffee just a little bit of cream got to have on my team

Faith in all things W says:

The comment was just so tacky😕🙄

Shannon Brown says:

.He is a proud man…A white wife and his career/position at UNC… never meant for a black man to "achieve"

Stacy McGuire says:

If he were in DC or ATL, he would have NEVER said that in public. He knows where he is. He ain't as dumb as his statements are. He REALLY wants that job.

keith eubanks says:

H.Davis is a sellout & I hope he fails as a coach.

William Hill says:

Punks didnt say a damn thing! Figured!

William Hill says:

So say something about his comment skip! Address what he said shannon! If ya'll dont! I'm done with this program!

T G says:

Wow!! The ever so “Woke”Shannon didn’t mentioned the “White wife” quote? I am shocked?

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