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FIRST TAKE | Jay Williams reacts to Duke falls to UNC un Coach K's final game at Cameron Indoor

FIRST TAKE | Jay Williams reacts to Duke falls to UNC un Coach K’s final game at Cameron Indoor

Reblogged 2 years ago from


"MrRafael_72" says:

I'm a TARHEEL 4 LIFE but, I don't think we were the most Respectful Fans when Duke came to Carolina last Month! It's was bad sportsmanship by the coaching staff yes but, I don't want to make a BIG DEAL OUT OF THIS. LET'S CALL IT EVEN AND MOVE ON. If anybody has a problem with it from the two teams…. TAKE IT OUT ON THE COURT THE NEXT TIME WE MEET. WE DON'T NEED THE MEDIA HYPING UP ( Excuse My Language) BULLSHIT!!💙✊🏾

LivHard6458 says:

Jay, are you kidding? To draw parallels between Tatum and Bryant is ludicrous!

Jeremy Seal says:

No one giving Carolina credit is what pisses me off.

#Fjb says:

I fucking loved it. The boys will never forget blowing them out. Don't look Dookies fool ya they're pissed bc they gave him a "kiss my ass tour" sorry I meant farewell tour.

Brianna McDaniel says:

I don’t care what you think. I’m a Duke fan. I dare to try and make me change my mind.

BrushyMtnGolfer says:

Oh yeah all of this extra stuff happened against Coach K's will. RIIIGHT!!! LOL! Losers!!!


“We ain’t winning no championship.” 😂😂😂🐐

Alan Proctor says:

You cannot blame the Duke players. Think about one team having to bear the legacy of delivering on that night. No reason why the celebration could have been done after the season was over, not during this home game. Let this night be a senior night for you players. Let them have the light.

Rory Hayes says:

Hope jay reacts to that coach who blew off Hubert Davis in handshake line.

ericson medina says:

That's DUKE for you! Got all the high recruit yet not winning the championship!

ericson medina says:

79k tickets it's not an attention, 🤔

NottheATF says:

i love the duke tears

05645ci says:

Here's the reality. Duke and Coach K decided to spend this season celebrating Coach K's career at every game, ad nauseum. They planned the UNC-Duke to be the coronation of the Duke faithful's self proclamation of him as GOAT. The Tarheels took note of all this hooplah and their coach guided them to the best performance of the season on the biggest stage in the biggest game and stole the show in the greatest rivalry in college sports. Junior Assistant Associate Almost Coach Carrawell responded in typical Duke fashion by not shaking hands with Coach Davis on national TV and making some lame excuse for it to show the national TV audience Duke's definition of sportsmanship. The net result was UNC walked in like the old boyfriend at a zillion dollar wedding, slapped the groom silly, and rode off with the bride.

Earl Hill says:

Doesn't like hoopla yet giving himself a farewell tour. 😂 😂 Gtfoh

Roy Jordan says:

What made it sweeter is seeing all those fans sad when they lost. It was so beautiful 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Agent-69 says:

Great Job NC
Duke Sucks Balls and coach K is a Joke!!!!!
He got the best players from every state in the USA every year of course he was gonna win .
Any coach in America would have done the same thing.
He is not even top 10 in my opinion. So Kudos to NC for spoiling his last game.

Derrick Giles says:

For a tar heels fan that was the best way to send coach K out. Go heels

Wayne Gilyard says:

The ceiling is the

VCU Heel says:

Maybe your team lacks leadership, can’t adjust to the other team’s offense, and regularly gets knocked out of the NCAA Tournament early because your coach has spent the last decade having a team of one and done players that never get the experience or knowledge of the game before they’re out the door and replaced by the next group of one and done players. This is a choice that Coach K made and which I expect will continue under Scheyer as long as he can still keep getting those players. Don’t complain about the players not reacting properly. This is on the coaching staff as much or more than it is on the players.

And the lack of timeouts down the stretch wasn’t a lesson learning thing for the players. It’s because Coach K hasn’t been as active of a coach for the last 5-6 years. His assistants do most of the work these days and when he calls a timeout it’s mostly to curse at and berate the officials and not to make any kind of adjustments.

Chris Johnson says:

J-Will is correct: Coach K definitely doesn’t like all of that external “noise” and those distractions. It’s not like he announced his retirement a year early so he could have a long farewell tour or anything! Only those closest to the Duke program knew he was leaving…ESPN just figured it out with their savvy investigative journalism. I mean, technically speaking, UNC gave him a retirement gift. It was really rude, though. Can’t you just let him win his last game ever at Cameron? Geez. Louisville was nice enough to give him a freakin’ baseball bat.

Cody Baker says:

Everybody is taking about how the game was to much for the Duke players, and that is nonsense. UNC was a 12 point underdog, who needed to win in order to make the tournament, and went to one of the hardest courts to win and beat the number 4 team in the country. There was a great deal on the line for both teams, and the Tarheels went there and beat them it is that simple.

Rashea White says:

🥰💕! Hi.

Danger Ranger says:

Damn bro this L weighing on Jay

Panama 135 says:

At halftime when Jay Williams said we gotta wi this damn game, right there I knew Duke was under pressure

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