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Press Conference: UCLA vs. North Carolina Postgame – 2022 NCAA Tournament


Legacy Jeet Kune Do says:

Why didn’t Cronin put our best defender, Jalen Clark on Love? Why keep shooting 3s when you’re clearly not hitting them?

Legacy Jeet Kune Do says:

Jaime, Johnny, and Cody all played terribly. Mick needed to make adjustments on both ends of the court and failed to do so. Where was the hustle and defense? Why in the world did we play Jake Kyman? Ever heard of rebounding? There was way too much isolation play and not enough team ball. I don’t think Cronin earned his contract renewal today.

B Eazy says:


Stella Grace says:

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Daddyboy says:

Cronin is pure class. I don’t know about Hubert yet. Kind of beginners luck. Great coach? Maybe but not yet.

Deion Wilson says:

I love Hubie too!!! I met him in person early in the season!!!💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Sdot Mac says:

The feeling around Hubert and this team is unreal. Watching Roy in the stands is the stamp on the cake. GDTBATH

leslie and clash says:

I also love hubie

epifunny1 says:

You have to love all those FANS who gave up on Hubert early in the season….

Felix Candelaria says:

Hubert did good!! He turned things around and got them grounded and focused. A fantastic rookie season for coach. I love Hubert!

Prez says:

I love Hubert Davis

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