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Giglio EPIC rant on North Carolina basketball fans freaking out about recent transfers

#NorthCarolina’s basketball offseason has featured a controversial decision to not participate in the #NIT and a number of transfer portal announcements. Joe Giglio can’t stand the freakout being had in select sections of the #TarHeels fanbase.

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Morris Joyner says:

Let be honest I love unc Caleb love was the down fall this year but fore this guy to say other player want good enough why did Roy Williams recruit them to go North Carolina ? U got understand some of them boys trying make nba that’s the goal.

John garner garner says:

That's a nice rant Joe, but you are missing the big picture. This is the University of North Carolina, one of the greatest programs in basketball history. They didn't make the tournament this year and refused to play in the NIT. Granted, the players that are leaving aren't people who play much, but where is our production coming from next year? I don't see it and I have an ominous feeling about the future of the program.

Wing Chu Meditation says:

Hubert is good period if he’s not playing them there not listening

Wing Chu Meditation says:

Preach it brother

Wing Chu Meditation says:

Hubert knows what he’s doing period

Wing Chu Meditation says:

Well Hubert isn’t Roy nor is he dean there old school Hubert is in a different time Hubert is gonna play his good players it’s not brain surgery

Wing Chu Meditation says:

Everybody trying to run Caleb out of chapel hill if he leaves there gonna be in trouble and then they will be crying

BrushyMtnGolfer says:

Epic? No. Stupid? Yes. If the kids aren’t good enough to play at Carolina then why did he recruit them? Every kid on that team is there because Hubert wants them on the team

Jay Clemons says:

I don't remember Dean using his bench, particularly in the 90s. In fact they routinely went 6 and 7 deep. Roy was the one that ran 10 deep. And if you truly remember Carolina basketball back then, the only real time Dean used his bench was the 93-94 season where he had the national championship holdovers from the previous year, and he added Stackhouse, Wallace, Calabria, and McGinnis. And the knock that season was he had too many guys that messed up how he really wanted to play with a shorter rotation. In a nutshell, Roy's Carolina basketball and Dean's Carolina basketball are two different things. Fans compare Hubert to Roy, but really Hubert is running more of a Dean style that may be outdated at this point, to be honest.

tpd139 says:

I agree. But it’s the internet what do you expect lol. People literally spew nonsense cause there’s no repercussion. So you gotta take what they say with a grain of salt lol

Bass Fishing Lake Norman says:

How does Hubert Davis coach under Roy, what 9 years, and not understand rotation.

m q says:

"He went to the national title in Year 1"

…and proceeds to MISS the tournament with almost the EXACT SAME PLAYERS in Year 2. Newsflash, champ: Getting hot for five games with players that aren't even yours doesn't prove jackshit. Mike Davis @ IU made the championship at Indiana in Year 2 with zero experience. Kevin Ollie actually managed to win the fucking title he went to. None of them ever reached those heights again and were gone not long after. What's going to make this any different? 🤔

BTW, Isolate those 5 games where we got hot and tell me what he's done to justify his hiring in the first place. Until then, fuck out of here with this WEAK rant 😂

Matt Cure says:

I’m a Carolina fan and I agree

Rob M says:

I agree with you, but I doubt it is a majority of fans that are saying this. Most UNC fans I know understood and appreciated Roy's approach at using the bench. We know that he would be willing to lose a couple game early so his bench would be ready for Feb and Mar. We were fine with that. It seems to me that some fans are having a difficult time letting go of the old ways. We have to accept that Davis is trying to update the offense and that it will likely look and operate way different than we are used to. As disappointing as it is to see so many enter the portal, it's understandable during a coaching transition as players/coaches see who fits and who doesn't. My guess is that some of these guys see the writing on the wall, esp with the recruits who are on the way, that they just aren't going to cut it. Since Davis was handpicked by Roy, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Doog says:

The REAL North Carolina fans who aren’t completely tweaking actually agree with joe here.

Oh Heel Yeah says:

If climbing into Twitter, and the like, to read fans comments is getting to you mentally id suggest therapy otherwise enjoy the real estate you give away to them in your mind.
The very ones you cherry pick off Twitter and broad brush as what every Carolina fan is saying, you’re merely attempting to set a narrative all Carolina fans are crazy yet you could EASILY find fringe fans everywhere in every base. Get over yourself. Feigned outrage on your part. Comb your hair pal.

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