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UNC Fans Were “Disgusting” Towards Caleb Love | The Drive with Josh Graham

6th Man and arena host for Tar Heel basketball, BDaht, explains why he said what he said to the Carolina Family after Caleb Love entered the transfer portal.

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Matt Gaskill says:

CL was not very good against Baylor 1-6 shooting with 5 points 5 fouls and 6 turnovers and CL against St Peter's 6-17 FG 35.3FG% 2-10 from 3 for 14 points CL against Kansas 5-24 shooting 20.8 FG and 1-8 from 3 for 13 points. This is for anyone saying CL played good in the Tournament last year I wouldn't consider he played good in the tournament it was more Brady Manek that played good and led them to the National Championship Game.


William Massenburg says:

I agree, Carolina fans were too hard on him.

Mike 2000 says:

Thoes evil people throwing Love under the bus are pretending to be UNC fan. And the evil UNC fans throwing Love under the bus are mostly White older Men.

Kenneth Lawrence says:

This young man did not deserve how he was treated and this hate came from fans who never played sports at a high level or even played Organized ,sports This is not the Carolina way ,I know it's a certain era but I am in my early sixties and Coach Smith would have address this with fans& those giving his players a hard time.

Vinny B’Cani says:

As a Chapel Hill Native And Tarheel fan I will always be a Caleb Love fan. My wife has never liked the criticism of those fake fans .

J Pull says:

Caleb was not good. Not just last season but throughout his career at UNC and y'all should be glad that he's leaving. His numbers are terrible from top to bottom.

rob lynn says:

Social media is not reality

rob lynn says:

99% of every Carolina fan i know loves Caleb…. Twitter is not fans

Lamar Walker says:

Caleb deserves every ounce of criticism because Hubert created the monster!!

Indiana Creek Walker says:

Come be a Hoosier Caleb!

Jeff Wright says:

It's not that he had tough games. He shot 36 times in one game. Shot threes early in the clock. Walked around didn't hustle and pouted. He really wasn't that great of a player. That being said I wish him well and people shouldn't carry it too far. UNC will be much better w/o him. Wait and see.

Your Health Matters says:

As a fan … I don't hold Caleb Love responsible… It's always the coach who allows players play selfishly. Davis is the problem. Leading scorer means nothing when a player is allowed to play one on one and force shots. Shooting percentage? Straight line drives. It appeared to that he thought it was up to him to win games and not up to the team of which he was a part. If Coach Davis doesn't take control this will be a pattern. Davis and Love were too much alike. We need a point guard who wants to facilitate scoring for his teammates. Plain and simple. To have primary ball handlers who believe they must score is the road to disaster and we saw it.

John23 says:

Weak mindset smh like Caleb Love is the only athlete that ever gets some blowback from the fans and imo not the true fans .. if you that bothered by comments on social media you have the option to just delete it or not read comments ..

Gunslingerheel says:

Caleb is a grown man who is paid to play a sport and given the opportunity for a quality education at a very prestigious school. His play at times was terrible. His shooting was bad, his defense was bad, his attitude was concerning. Now one can argue his offensive woes were a result of the team around him or the system but he had and missed a lot of wide open shots. No one told him to argue with the refs and not cover his man or to get in never never land while his guy is open for a three. Having said that there is ample reason to critique his play but not Caleb the man. That is what most Carolina fans I’ve encountered do. You can certainly cherry pick social media outliers but understand some of them are trolls from other teams or just SM idiots. We don’t want either

UNC23 says:

TEAM chemistry WILL be better next year. TRUTH. Take that however you see fit…….

S Johnson says:

It's ok to give it to the coach but these young kids don't deserve that shit.

TonTon Ruffin says:

We live in a world where people will come at you put your big boys paints on and toughen up. These young men are to babied for me. He had a HOR-RI-BLE season. You have to silence the noise

Squishy McSquisherson says:

I've been going at the throats of "fans" for the last 6 months. It went from Leaky to Caleb. Who y'all gonna go after next year?


Joshua Hollar says:

Been a fan for 30 plus years. I have never seen a Carolina team like this before. Most of the players had no emotion or passion during the game. I believe Carolina is doing the best thing with getting rid of the bad and bringing in new blood, players that take pride in playing for the best university in the country. Good luck to Caleb but it just isn't working anymore. The most inconsistent player on the team, he played good during the tournament run last year and that was about it. Just a streaky shooter at best.

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