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6-year-old shot after basketball rolls into neighbor's yard

A North Carolina man allegedly shot a 6-year-old girl, her parents and an additional neighbor after a basketball rolled into his yard.

“Why did you shoot my daddy and me? Why did you shoot a kid’s dad?” Kinsley asked in an emotional interview, stitches visible on her cheek from the bullet fragments that hit her.

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thesnakeman8006 says:

😢😢😢. She didn't deserve this. And neither did all the others that got shot and killed just because a misunderstanding

Dre Miles says:

Free that dude before he get locked up hahaha😂

Randall Winters says:

The leftist media will protect the animal that shot those YT's. They will never turn against antiquated farm equipment.

The "Wright" Choice in Real Estate says:

You can’t get a driver’s license and legally drive unless you pass a written and road test. It should just as hard to get a firearm. Everyone does have the right; but the ability shouldn’t be automatic.

Of the Islands🌴 says:

Will Biden invite this little caucasian girl and her family to the white house? Will msm cover this story ONCE and then flush it down the memory hole forever? 🤔

William Lee says:

Soak in that good culture and diversity.

Jim H says:

Nothing can be done, says the only country where this regularly happens.

Lron Hubbard says:

An attack on any inanimate object is a direct attack upon the individual itself.

The Real Black Sheep says:

Hold on guys,
“we don’t know the full story”
“They were on private property”
“They were trying to break in”
“That’s what happens when you trespass”

Vince Caporale says:

Where is the rage among the celeb culture and poles regarding this black on white crime?

Kuno Egger says:

As a supposedly civilized country y'all sure do come up short. The USA needs a moratorium on sales until the nation as a whole is mature enough to handle the responsibility. Losers.

José Alonso says:

What a coward running from police because of what he did, but so brave in front of innocent children

Brent Groenhuizen says:

Little kid officially hates blacks. She will always have ptsd. Just like blacks have with whites. Stop hurting people, idiots!!!

Mike says:

If He were alive today how many guns would Jesus own?

ghost man scores says:


IP Freely says:

He shot you and your daddy because the socialists empowered him

Vinil Maddali says:

I hope people realize this country is falling apart I don’t feel safe in this country as I used too growing up this is straight out of control

Molly Mann says:

As someone living in New Zealand who was told the US is the greatest country on earth, I'm now starting to think I was lied to.

Vinny says:

You get no street credit!

Wesley Quan says:

You got love how y'all post these story instant photo of the black guy …with a marshall manhunt ..yet the 84 white man you shot the black was released and is out on bond

Oscar Munos says:

ABC said the race of the child that got shot for "ringing the wrong door bell", but where's the race about this poor little child?

erich84502ify says:

Get off my lawn

Mr. Royal says:

People with guns just itching to use them!😒😒😒 They spent good money on them, so they really want to use them

Mike Jones says:

But, yeah. More guns make us safer.

dantmanish says:

now now ,, he had the right to shoot that girl and her dad ,, but lets be clear the girl and her dad are white so the shooter had his reasons to shoot his gun for trespassing people,, biden will probably invite the shooter " hes black " to the white house for defending his property against that kind of threat ,, you know the 6 year old white girl ,,

Dave says:

It was an accident. An innocent mistake. What is wrong with people these days? Why are people reacting so harshly with deadly force to innocent mistakes?

Robert Adams says:

Double standard. The news should be saying " black man shoots 6 year old white girl".

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