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6-year-old, parents and neighbor shot after basketball rolls into yard

“Why did you shoot my daddy and me?” 6-year-old Kinsley White asked in an emotional interview.

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Lewis C says:

Terrible! πŸ˜”

Camille Brown says:

They said nothing about 16yr old shot twice by 88 yr old neighbor for ringing doorbell.

mark cook says:

Why am I not surprised! What no riots of this BLM?

Scrubby McScrubberson says:

Make Mass Incarceration Great Again


Linda Davis says:

Jesus Pease touch this family

Such a Momm says:

All three stories had a shooter of different race. Bottom line is all nationalities have evil people as they have good people. Let judge people as individuals not an entire race. All stories are heartbreaking. Nothing worst than loosing a loved one to senseless shooting for no good reason .

bo jingle says:

CNN will never cover this. If it's a black guy it's never racially motivated.

Charlie Flo says:

Has Lebron James made a comment on this actual violent atrocity? Has anybody in the NBA or NFL condemned this brutal crime on an actual innocent victim? Or on any other violent Rampage like in Chicago, Miami, etc. Also, why has the main stream media failed to cover this story? Any demonstration on the streets against actual criminals ?

Elaine Sabatino says:

Diversity means chasing down the last White person. No White Guilt Forever!

Joseph Nash says:

Black man shoots white family.

look skywater says:

Come on news, change the title to BLACK man shot WHITE girl and her family….why dont you say their skin color when its the other way around?

Scooter_McLuvin says:

Bet you it didn't make CNN

Randall Winters says:

The media will parade this kid around and milk her for ad revenue.

The Artist says:

Let's never 4get…BLM ✊😏

Aquatic Ape says:

If you live that close to THEM, then you can't act surprised when this happens.

Raul Miranda says:

There are some people with guns that are so trigger happy, That little girl is so sweet and
innocent. She didn't deserve to be shot by an anal-rectal person that was intensely property
sensitive, because the little girls ball rolled on to his yard? What was on his mind? No bail for him. (probably a gang thing)

Yellowstone loyal says:

He'll be out on bond soon, we all know why

Baltazar GΔ…bka says:

Every single day these people prove that Scott Adams was 100% right.

Steven Boyce says:

this is how children become RACIST….it is the experiences you have with the evil shadow people ….if you had good experiences….GREAT…but when this little white girl grows up and keeps her distance from the evil shadow people you will know why

Charles URI says:

Ohh my God poor little one πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

Ingrid Leacock says:

Poor little girl πŸ‘§.
She's so sweet and innocent, just playing with her ball… pray for her father's full recovery… πŸ™ πŸ’™ he tried to save the poor kids.. hope this little angel heals emotionally πŸ’“ πŸ’– πŸ’— πŸ’› πŸ’• πŸ’™ πŸ’“

Mrmagius says:

Of course he was black.

Mei Ling says:

Where is the go fund me? Where are the celebrities? Did Joe Biden call her already?

Johhan Windsalor says:


Deepak Fineberg says:

BUT ITS RANDOM the media tell us.

Amariah Invictus says:

It's never mentioned "black" on "white" gun violence, but it's ALWAYS mentioned when it's "white" on "black", you see the real problem here BLM ers? Your section 8 is showing

Steven Gonzalez says:

Why was the story that the title was about only 45 seconds and then they spend the rest of the minute 35 seconds talking about other shootings? It's almost as if they're trying to cover for this pathetic excuse of a man. If you shoot at a 6 year old, you're not a man. Regardless of race.

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