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UNC Basketball: WE ARE BACK!

UNC Hoops Talk Podcast #254

Well, I’ve done it again! It’s been way too long since the last pod (since April), but after taking the summer off, I’m back! Did you miss me? Did you even notice I was gone?
Plenty to talk about though and I hope you’ll come back and join me, either live on YouTube (make sure to hit the bell so you know when I go live) or on any podcast app after! Share with your Tar Heel friends and family and lets unite Tar Heel Nation together!

As always, thanks for listening and Go Heels!

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Until Next Time, Go Heels!

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Robert Perry says:

@14:14 No Dan it's not just you alot of die hard UNC fans are feeling that very same disconnect. And the rift between the fanbase and the team is mainly being caused by the HC Hubert Davis. You just don't know what you're gonna get from Hubert. It's hard to get up for a team when there's so much insecurity with the guy who's supposed to be leading the ship. Just like this off-season, there were 6 open scholarships and Hubert had a golden opportunity to really put together a dominant team via Transfer Portal and your 1st two scholarships giveaways are to a guy from Louisville and Brown? Not to mention not even utilizing your last 2 available scholarships. He basically ignored alot of big name talents that could've easily put the program in a strong position. Now compare what Hubert did this off-season versus what Bill Self did or what John Calipari did with their programs. And we haven't even mentioned his lack of player development. Real UNC fans know what Real Carolina basketball is supposed to look like and feel like and I just don't feel that confidence in the program with Hubert in charge. Someone who has been a player at UNC for 4 years, an AC under a HOF coach at UNC for 9+ years and overall been around the program for 15+ years does not and should not get a pass for mediocrity.

Scott Worley says:

I know exactly how you feel, you are not the only one. I had to revise my comment.

Sinister Tarheel says:

Whaddup Tar Heel Nation

Charles Diggs says:

My boy is back!!!!!!

Stay vigilant! says:

Hate i missed it brother, yes about to fire up another season let's go TAR HEELS!!!!! My line prediction is elliot, RJ, Ryan, Ingram, Bacot!

FOREIGN C.O.Z. says:

UNC needs to stop recruiting power fowards and centers that play like robots

Mike Cobarrubias says:

Sorry missed the live podcast but I would love to come on

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