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UNC's OVERRATED! | Indiana HAS to change this … | Kentucky's LOADED | Dug McDaniel, All-American?

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On today’s episode of the DTF Podcast, Fanta, TO and Dauster play a little game of Reaction vs. Overreaction. Do you agree or disagree?

0:00 North Carolina’s overrated because of their defense
5:00 Kentucky’s freshmen guards are loaded
10:00 Indiana can’t win with Mackenzie Mgbako
14:00 Dug McDaniel of Michigan is an all-american

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g h says:

First time watching this podcast and it’s already clear, these guys don’t understand basketball. For all the stats they throw around, they know literally nothing. Won’t tune in again.

WT K says:

The best thing about Kentucky is how coachable these kids are. They have learned from mistakes and clearly improved during the course of each game so far. It may take half a season for them to grow up enough to be an actual contender, but they will get there because of their good attitudes.

CupidStunt says:

I'm not understanding the UNC takes? Did we watch the game?

Johnny Stivers says:

Indiana can be good. Do you guys watch college basketball last 3 years? Uconn was a 6 seed who put it together late. Come on

Johnny Stivers says:

Lol the guy ego clearly has never played a sport in his life didn’t see Justin Edwards needs to slow down. Yes he will be great and a lottery pick but the 3 point shooting will be just fine with Reeves And Reed. The second half team is who they can and will be. 5-6 freshman will play 5 getting real playing time. This will take a little time for them to be really good. If we rebound against Kansas we win that grand. Hunter stepping out to guard Trae will open up the paint for the guards and Justin Edwards so is 6’8 forward he’s not a damn guard to drive the ball

SabansBaldSpot says:

surprised no one mentioned UK’s perimeter defense

csoles says:

1. Carolina players said post game, pertaining to the first half that they were trying something out new defensively, and on that point, Radford was not missing, they made quite a few threes,
2. Carolina had an abundance of turnovers in the first half, they obviously are still learning how to run this quick pace offense
3. Cadeau early in the first half had a few glaring turnovers and he’s still adjusting to the college game in my eyes. The kid was born in 04’, I think eventually he gets that starting spot, but Woj. has been around the block for a while. Hubert played his entire bench, Jalen Washington, Zayden High, man they had everyone out there.
3. Margin of Victory wasn’t the best, but I’m betting that this Sunday they’ll have their big margin of victory game. Radford is a good team with some good shooters, made some tough shots, I think this shows Carolina how and where to adjust pre-battle4atlantis.
I just think this overrated take is premature and a trigger happy reaction.

Kenneth Descombes says:

Mgbaki, Reneau and Ware will work. He can shoot, he can defend on the perimeter with his quick hands. He just like everyone else on IU the last 3 years, struggles with their off ball 3 coverage early on. They figure out Mike's concepts in the half court on defense, his length recovering to shooters and hands collapsing on the dribble will be an asset.

Glenn Lanham says:

All I needed was to see this headline, made my day….

Mike Smith says:

Uncheat is terrible and so are the whoosiers and Kentucky is loaded so i think it's a decent take on the 3

Glenn Bentley says:

But all y'all do and all y'all done all year so far is bash UNC when you and c has not let anybody down yet they have beaten everybody they faced by double digits or more everybody RJ Davis's only missed one shot so far this season and that includes all the practices cuz I was watching and his teammates confirm that he never misses and guess what he has not and I still say bachat is the biggest and best center in the nation he broke everyday gum record there is to break already and he's in better shape now so everybody better be watching out

Glenn Bentley says:

You are the biggest haters of UNC I have ever seen what do you want they held those tremendous guards to probably the worst three-point shooting they've ever had and that's even after they were on fire at the start and couldn't miss and they met their goal what the predictions were they beat that team who was not a bad team by almost 20 points exactly wherever they were supposed to be I would put them against anybody in the nation right now and still feel very confident that they would whip the s*** out of everybody because I looked at everybody at the start of the season and everybody in the top 10 didn't look that good Michigan State looked the best and they've already lost twice so I pretty much hit that s*** dead on the money The people that are playing right now are down to about one season left so he's trying to get the most out of experienced players that he can and still play Elliott as much as he can

Albert Tucci says:

Lol did anyone watch the UNC game? Defensive concerns are fine, but the other takes are wild. Cadeau was clearly still catching up to the college game, he will start soon enough. And Hubert played a lot of guys and was testing lineups. If anything that game appeared to address concerns of depth or Hubert being willing to play the bench

Indiana Creek Walker says:

Florida Gulf Coast played Def….and hit threes… game 1 guys damn lol. Its a process like Fanta said…. this is the worst they will be

Brad Prather says:

I find it hilarious Woodson keeps copying Purdue's offensive ideas lol! (TKR at the 4)

Charles James says:

What a shit show these 3 are. More locker room jawing with each other than talkin ball. What a surprise it is that IU lost 50+ points of offense to graduation (including a lottery pick in JHS and an already rising star in TJD), and this years team is struggling offensively! Mbako will be a one and done. He struggled against FAGC because he tried to do too much, instead of settling in, playing solid ball, and letting the game come to him. JHS did the same in his first several games, but he found his rhythm, and I predict MM will do the same. Give Woody a break! He has essentially a whole new team, and it will take some real game time for him to figure out how to put the pieces together. IU has good shooters in CJ Gunn, Galloway, and Cupps, and XJ too when he gets hot. Shooting is not Woody`s first big issue to figure out and correct. It is to get the defensive rotations straightened out. Ware and Reneau and Mbako do NOT know where they are supposed to be defensivly in too many looks, and that is showing up in how many wide open 3s opponents are getting. Woody will show them on film what they are doing wrong, and they will get better. I am confident that will happen because they have the athleticism and length to get it done, they just need to get some reps in where they DO get it done and get the confidence in place to keep it going. Again, what a surprise that 2 freshmen and a sophomore are having trouble playing D, in the B10!

Sky Lee says:

These clown don’t understand. Game 1 is don’t important. The important is what they can do in March madness. 😂😂

Bmick says:

Dontrez Styles had a good game. Tyler Nickel had a decent box score too….

YouTubeUser1766 says:

Mbacko should have never decommitted from duke

Jim Harbaugh says:

Has Fanta ever played basketball ? Any sport at all ? World of Warcraft and consuming Mountain Dew and hot pockets doesn’t count as experience.

heelz rule says:

UNC will be ok

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