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Head Coach Kevin Keatts postgame press conference following the loss to UNC


@anthonygreen3331 says:

Peat got the Citadel uniform mixed up with UNC. Tarheel defense wore them down. Burns Mt Olive juice wasn't as potent as Davis. Loss nothing for State to hold their head about loosing to a team that might be the last team standing in March.

@fleurybreedin3682 says:

He has an excuse for everything. UNC’s D ran your 3 pt shooters off the 3 pt line!!!!

@devonbrianspencerlewis says:

Hahaha "this is our first conference loss, weve won 7 of 8" bro check nc states schedule. Almost all cupcakes. State has 11 wins but is ranked #66 in NET. MD-eastern, UT Martin, detroit mercy, the citadel, abilene christian, charleston southern, vanderbilt account for 7 of those 11 wins😂.

Citadel #187 NET
UT Martin #221 NET
Abilene christian #255 NET
Charleston Southern #350NET
Detroit mercy #361 NET

Also note that one acc win was notre dame(#155NET)

Best win of the year is UVA, which is a decent win.

Kevin Keatts is full of shit and needs to schedule better because these 11 wins are about to get majorly exposed.

@heyitswahoo3514 says:

Fire Keatts. We won’t ever get past the first round of the tournament if we even make it every like 5 years lmfao

@joshtarheel says:

LOL no credit to UNC defense. Has he watched tape of UNC the past four games? I’d be so mad if I were a State fan. How do y’all put up with this?

@wjhandy says:

He needs to stay off the court during play

@jongregory5308 says:

Obviously, UNC 7:21 from 3 vs NCSU 2:21 was a huge difference. That's 15 points if the pack just matched the heels from 3. Then it's a 2 point game with a win, however, 34% FG from inside the arc is pretty bad. Too many shots around the rim that the pack didn't finish. UNC's guards just outplayed the guards of NCSU.

@devonbrianspencerlewis says:

Hahahah "it wasn't anything they did, we just missed shots". Unc's defense wore yall down the whole entire game. State got outrebounded, gave up 18 fast break points and got outscored in the paint. The only reason you lost is because you missed a couple of open 3s?

Kevin keatts is carrying on the nc state tradition… always trying to convince everyone (especially himself) that nc state is an elite team.

Carolina played badly on the offensive side too and still won by double figures 😂

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