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Hubert Davis postgame press conference after No. 3 UNC's win at Miami.


@cliffsmith918 says:

Freshman guard is always lost in the last 5 min in every game. To many other good players on the bench. You will blow it with him.

@bjaustin6664 says:

Ga Tech,Clemson now Miami,this team looks as lost down the stretch as last year's team.These are teams we should be pounding not barely getting by.Getting late in the season for these type of problems to arise.Missing Trimble in a big way

@notvinny3369 says:

Hubert Davis is my favorite coach of all time win or lose

@JonathanSchneps says:

This is a really good, deep team, but VERY sloppy today and several other days. Fortunate to win the game since RJ missed his last 4 shots, Ing, Bcot and Ryan missed a few free throws and there were live ball turnovers off of what were beautiful passes to Washington and Bcot. Eliot had a few bonehead plays too and RJ had 2 today. The mistakes and sloppiness will need to be improved IF this team hopes to advance far in the tournament. Another concerning aspect to the season is the failure to get the ball inbounds or to set up a play with only a few seconds on the shot clock. This would never happen with a Dean Smith coached team. Hubert has some work to do. Shawn May, I hope Baycott looks at film of how you grabbed the ball, once you had it, you never lost it!!! Baycott a bit stronger today in the second half. I remember when Dean Smith called a play under the basket, you were gonna score 75% of the time. With this team it is probably less than 25% in crucial circumstances. Finally, I think the play for RJ or Elliot and B-cot as the screener with 10 seconds on the shot is fine, but mix it up, too predictable. Finally at the end of the game, screen for RJ to get the ball so he goes to the line, not Ing. Big Win, phew!

@jvamerica1703 says:

Game is over , and I'm still on pins and needles ๐Ÿ™„ Cormac im concerned, man is 25 c'mon be better, or get that Albania to English dictionary.

@denisehart1315 says:

RJ hits the floor as much as Joel Berry did.

@chadhickes8563 says:

We are beating ourselves. Turnovers, missed free throws, terrible job in finishing this game. GT, Clemson and Miami we have played subpar at best. Our last 4 minutes of this game was absolutely pathetic! We were very fortunate to win this game. A month ago we were drilling these type of teams. Both UConn and Purdue just hammers inferior competition and we were doing the same up until these last 3 out 4 games. I hope they arenโ€™t going crazy celebrating in the locker room after this game. They should be pissed. Yes it was a good win but an expected win as a very talented and veteran team

@sugadeeification says:

Coach Davis has get more aggressive with this team. They're not consistent with their style of play. This game though they won, was complete garbage ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ. They allow the other team to dictate the way the game goes. They give the other team the upper edge and momentum down the stretch for the past few games. This team definitely has the talent, but they're not hungry it seems to me to play too their strength and style of basketball.

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