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UNC Legend Phil Ford talks ACC

#UNCBasketball #UNC #ACCLegends

Reblogged 6 months ago from


@meattooth1303 says:

Phil is the 1st Tar Heel I was highly cognizant about. I grew up in Chapel Hill and I must have been 5 or 6 and clearly remember watching UNC led by Ford beat NCSU for the ACCT. I then walked downtown with my folks from our house to see the mayhem going on and I remember a guy waving banner on a pole like a flag that said something about Ford. By the end of his career, I had already played rec bball and attended a BBall summer camp so I understood more about the game than the basics of who gets the ball thru the net the most wins. Basically Ford was my 1st sports hero. Others during that time frame was Bruce Jenner b/c of th '76 Olympics and Dr. J b/c of his play.

Dudley Bradley was 2nd sports hero and was the ACCT MVP. Spring, after that season, he came to my elem class to speak with us kids. Mike O'Koren and Al Wood also stick out in my mind. Worthy is still my favorite Tar Heel of all times. When I went to Smith's basketball camp, he was our 'dorm adult'. I'll never forget me and my roommate being up making noise way after lights out the 1st night and Big Worthy, with his grown man beard, came in our room only in tighty whities threatening our lives if we did not shut up and go to bed. He only had to tell us once:-)

@jimrobinson1140 says:

Hubert Davis is the best coach in the country. How many coaches in three years went to the championship game and won conference championship. In three years. Not many

@charliemalloy1023 says:

Why does K Mack always have to throw a slight insult at Hubert and Carolina? Every show.

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