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On today’s show @AaronTorres wonders: Where is the national outrage for Duke star Kyle Filipowski tripping a UNC player, as well as Duke fans throwing ice and water at UNC’s team?!

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@karshialy6372 says:

He's a clown. Trip player then fakes an ankle injury, only to play the entire game.

@tylerjarman2121 says:

As a Unc diehard fan here’s what I’m gonna say the reason why people outside of Duke fans (in most cases) prefer Carolina over Duke because when it comes down to it Unc has a lot more character then Duke. Whether it’s Kyle TRIPoski, Grayson TRIP Allen or the Dude that Decked Hansborough all those years ago history shows Duke as being classless. The private school egotistical elitism behavior from fans ,coaches, and players is bad culture. Coach K did a (fairly) good job of not letting it show but when you are surrounded by that culture and embrace it that results in stuff like this. Now those in the comments may say my Unc bias kicked in but I ask you aside from talking massive amounts of s*** what poor character has Unc shown in history? I’ll give you example when I watched Unc play state in Raleigh Harrison Ingram (ironically enough) dove for a lose ball. He went over the table and ended up connecting with a 70 something year old state fan. You know what he did went out of his way tried to get medical attention and did not leave that man’s side until ingram knew he was alright. That’s one of the real differences and apart of the reason I dislike Duke rivalry aside.

@user-zf4bt3qj3q says:

Grayson Allan lol

@tommysmith2409 says:

Duke has another Grayson Allen in Filipowski. Valentine is a lousy, biased referee, always has been. I've always despised him. Filipowski proved in the first UNC-Duke game that he is a dirty ballplayer when he clotheslined R.J. Davis after the whistle had stopped action. And the Cameron Crazies showed once again how classless they are, as did Scheyer.

@skuttsupreme8351 says:

Duke is just embarrassing. It’s a team that didn’t earn half of their hardware and the inside nonsense with Nike and Coach K should have been exposed long ago. They’ve destroyed sports media too, they’ve made college basketball worse. Kentucky, UNC, even Kansas are nowhere near as embarrassing as Duke. Their fan base is foreign and knows nothing about college basketball. It’s a Walmart T-shirt fanbase. How anyone likes Duke is beyond me.

@roberthaynes488 says:

It's the bullshit with Grayson Allen all over again. How many more trips will Duke players get away with before they end a career or seriously hurt someone, which is obviously their end goal anyway. They aren't evil, but they clearly have a history of recruiting players with no class at all who see it as ok to try and injure players that are more skilled than them. None of Dukes one and dones had to act like that due to having skills to fall back on when a game gets tough. Perhaps Flip should get a job since he clearly doesn't have said skills.

@roberthaynes488 says:

100% true. A player on any other team does this, and that player would get suspended.

@jameslogan4534 says:

It was Jamal Mashburn that Latiner stomp on and nothing was called 😮😮

@dwh3276 says:

“They don’t have a lot of great wins . . . ”. They only have 1 “great” win, unless you are trying to count the Clemson, Wake or Virginia wins a great. I’d say they are good wins, but under no definition are they great wins. Yes, Duke is over rated.

@earthchild04 says:

Dook lost and the Filipowski and The Krazies were salty. S/O to Aaron Torres for the video! Cormac Ryan lit that university from Durham up for 31 points #tarheelsaccchamps #dooksweptbytarheels

@0h2ezy says:

Gerald Henderson elbowed psycho T

@Derby_City_Dasher says:

What stands out to me is Duke isn't that good. Not as good as their ranking, records and metrics say they are. There a decent team don't get me wrong, but their facing a significant athletic deficit with not enough elite level shooters to offset it and that is why they been having so many problems with North Carolina the last 2 or 3 seasons. Honestly to me this particular Duke team is more comparable to the very best of Vanderbilt teams of the past then they are to the Duke teams the won and competed for national titles. Sure they can compile an impressive record, rise up in the rankings and even beat some good teams especially at home, but when it comes to the NCAA tournament, you just know their not going very far, unless the bracket gets opens up in a way that's just right for them, because this Duke team has a low ceiling.

@bfgolf says:

Everyone done forgot to say anything about filipoutski's 9 fouls and still not fouling out😂😂, and also the 3 pointer that they called a 2.

@alfredguinto1976 says:

Supposed to be Filipos statement win before the NBA drafts and failed
Just like what Carolina done over Coach K coronation nite and failed miserably 3 time!just saying!

@jeffreybell4801 says:

Every one is use to duke having dirty players! Nothing is ever done to them! Yes I’m a Heel fan and the team shouldn’t reacted with the fans but they had been roasted and hazed by the dukie crazies all game.

@annmorrow68 says:

Don't forget the Cameron Crazies yelling obscenities at RJ Davis as he simply did warm-up practice shots.

@peterwinkler4934 says:

The ACC isn't good? That's an interesting comment, because the ACC had a 9-3 record against the Big 12 this season. Also, the ACC/SEC Challenge ended up dead even.

@timmurphy14 says:

They apparently threw gumballs too. Who walks around with gumballs?

@peterwinkler4934 says:

Also, any comments about the fact that Cormac Ryan was mouthing off and taunting the Duke crowd after every shot he made? Ryan admitted as much afterward and said it's "because I'm fiery." For similar and probably less egregious behavior, JJ Redick was criticized non-stop while he was at Duke.

@40EastTrill says:

Duke has always been overrated and dirty. Their fans are the most obnoxious but turn into whining little bitches when they lose. Saturday was proof of ALL of what I just said.

@chrishendley8652 says:

Go back to pregame warmup’s and there were fans threatening to murder Carolina players. At the end it was more than ice and water

@peterwinkler4934 says:

You are completely wrong. UNC "did a little taunting"??? Actually, rather than lining up to shake the Duke players' hands, the UNC players all made a beeline to the space in front of the Duke/Cameron crowd and began taunting the fans like a bunch of classless punks. They deserved everything they got.
You also failed to mention that Ingram intentionally pushed down hard on Filipowski and climbed over him while he was getting up. Why didn't Ingram go around Filipowski and avoid contact when he was getting up?
Also, if you watched the game closely, Bacot was pushing Duke players in the back constantly down low and wasn't called for it at all.

@chrishendley8652 says:

You forgot the code red against Tyler hansborough

@sportbikejesus6297 says:

Dook is trash

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